Driftsproblemer (oppdatert)
Vår driftsleverandør Tietoevry har hatt problemer i dag. Problemet ser nå ut til å være løst, og løsningene våre er tilgjengelige. Vi overvåker situasjonen fortsatt.
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BIM2Share AS
BIM2Share AS

Facilit and BIM2Share enter into a partnership for the delivery of an integrated collaboration platform, project managment and FM solutions.

  • Facilit has built up a large customer portfolio where Facilit FDVU (FM solution) and Facilit Prosjektøkonomi (Project management) are used by about 200 customers in Norway; of which about 100 municipalities / counties.

  • BIM2Share is one of the leading suppliers of collaboration solutions in Norway. Byggeweb and BIM2Share solutions are used by more than 2000 companies in more than 700 active construction projects in Norway.

The partnership involves a broader range of solutions that cover the entire life cycle of construction / civil engineering projects - from planning / engineering and construction to the operational phase. This means that Facilities Management information can be reused, it will ensure better information exchange and interaction between the construction phase and operation.

The parties will jointly establish interfaces and API / web services that display data in both solutions, and which ensure reuse of data without double storage.

Facilities Management data from Facilit can be visualized graphically against drawings and models in BIM2Share's BIM-server. The solution supports several formats including IFC, DWG (AutoCAD) and RVT (Revit). There will be a two-way connection between Facilities Management data and objects in the drawing / model. Information from Facilit can be linked directly to objects / object groups in the model and visualized graphically in the drawing / model.

Our customers will have access to a BIM-centric total solution for the entire construction process. Reuse of data across the solutions will ensure a greater degree of standardization, automation and efficiency. The collaboration with Facilit will apply to marketing, sales, development and operations.

Jarle Braathen, Managing Director of BIM2Share

The partnership with BIM2Share will give our users access to a powerful solution for the project phase in relation to planning and implementation of construction projects. Delivery to the operational phase will be simplified in relation to establishment of Facilities Management documentation and access to data from the project phase. Through the collaboration, our users will also be able to illustrate FM data graphically in both DWG and IFC drawings.

Stein-Are Engstad, Managing Director of Facility Management


For further information, see the companies' websites:



Jarle Braathen

Managing Director | BIM2Share AS


Stein-Are Engstad

Managing Director | Facility Management AS (Facilit)
