Driftsproblemer (oppdatert)
Vår driftsleverandør Tietoevry har hatt problemer i dag. Problemet ser nå ut til å være løst, og løsningene våre er tilgjengelige. Vi overvåker situasjonen fortsatt.
Vi beklager ulempene dette medfører.
Ta kontakt med BIM2Share Support dersom du har spørsmål.


Courses and workshops

Good training contributes to increased productivity, better quality, and effective collaboration between the participants, as the projects today require greater precision and better control.

We offer a varied course selection regarding all our solutions.

Suitable for all project members and adapted to user level and needs.


Start activities

Our starter packs include what you need to get off to a good start with the project

The starter pack anchors the processes and working methods for your project. To ensure that the tools are used as efficiently as possible from the start, we offer starter packs for the various tools/products in the system:


Byggeweb Project


Byggeweb Capture


BIM2Share Workflow


BIM2Share AutoDelivery & QA


BIM2Share Comment & Sign

The starter packs include tasks and content adapted for both existing and new users. This ensures the correct use of the system and an effective interaction between the participants, through all phases of the project.


Start-up meeting / course


Templates (best-practise) and customized needs


Setup and verification of new users

General advisory

BIM2Share helps you along the way

We can provide a range of consulting and consulting services for your project.


Assistance with project setup: archive structure, workflows, approval procedures as well as customized interface adapted to all participants in the project 


Participation and guidance at project meetings


Reports and functions regarding export of data


Project check


Backup and transfer of data to other systems


Assisting projects with adaptations and changes in transition phases (initiation, planning, execution, and closure (operational phase - MOM)


Assistance in creating customized forms and workflows for projects and contracts


BIM advisory

Our competent BIM experts offers services for all the phases in the project, ranging from initiation, planning, execution, and closure.

By using our BIM services, the efficiency and quality of your work will be improved. We facilitate user-friendly setups that will streamline the workflow and facilitate a good BIM collaboration. 

Development and
Integration Services

BIM2Share provides services as development and integration to the customer's solutions / applications, for example:


Customized products


Integration with other systems to ensure efficient interfaces and dynamic update between the systems


Automatic transfer of file data


Project management

BIM2Share offers our customers assistance in project management for planning, implementation, and follow-up of large and small projects. 

BIM2Share has extensive experience in leading development projects and implementing market-driven systems and solutions at customers' premises.

Extended support


Extended support is services performed by our consultants when needed with a reduced hourly rate by agreement with each individual customer.


Assistance with adaptation and establishment of layouts, and workflows.


Assistance in invitation of new users, assignment of roles and rights.


Continuous quality check and status check done by experienced consultants.


Best Practice setup of data / workflow.

Extended support is invoiced by agreement and is not included in the license price.

Our opening hours are Monday - Friday at 08:00-16:00 (CET).

Utvidet support


Standard support includes ongoing assistance with the use of functions in the system.

Project- and customer-specific needs will be included in extended support and will be invoiced by agreement.

Our opening hours are Monday - Friday at 08:00-16:00 (CET).