Driftsproblemer (oppdatert)
Vår driftsleverandør Tietoevry har hatt problemer i dag. Problemet ser nå ut til å være løst, og løsningene våre er tilgjengelige. Vi overvåker situasjonen fortsatt.
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General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR

General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27th 2016 for the protection of personal data consists of a number of rules adopted in the EU that are intended to protect personal data. This is happening through a number of tightenings that place new and more comprehensive requirements for how data is handled.

GDPR applies to all countries that are members of the EU, and will also apply in the EEA. It will therefore apply as the primary source of law in the processing of personal data.

With Byggeweb and BIM2Share you are in safe hands

In Byggeweb and at BIM2Share AS, we know how important it is to live up to the requirements of the GDPR. When our customers use Byggeweb's applications, BIM2Share AS becomes the data processor since we then process data on behalf of the customer. We take the role of data processor seriously and it is important to us that we live up to all points in the GDPR.

It is also important for our customers that BIM2Share AS lives up to this and ensures that they can continue to use Bygeweb's applications without contravening the regulation. With BIM2Share AS as a partner and data processor, you are in safe hands!

Requirements for data processor agreement

When data controllers use a data processor, a written agreement must be entered into with the data processor in the form of a data processor agreement.

We have therefore prepared such an agreement that is in accordance with the GDPR's requirements for entering into data processor agreements. In this way, our customers who are data controllers are sure that their processing of personal data meets the requirements of the regulation.
The purpose is to ensure that both our customers and we operate on the basis of an agreement that supports the GDPR.

We therefore encourage all our customers, who have an agreement with BIM2Share AS, to get a data processor agreement with us.