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Byggeweb Project

Byggeweb has completed more projects in the Nordic region than any other supplier and has more than 140,000 project users. Byggeweb Project is the market's most widespread and advanced project web that ensures a controlled and efficient document flow between construction management, consultants and contractors, in addition to a centrally controlled document distribution and distribution that reaches all the way to the construction site.

This is the basis for effective collaboration and optimal sharing of knowledge across construction projects, geography, professional and business boundaries.

Errors, extra time and "bottleneck problems" are considered leakage time in a construction process. Time is money, and one of the main causes of leakage time is a lack of coordination and cooperation between the participants in a project. Byggeweb focuses on the task of quality assurance of document exchange and creating better coherence throughout the entire construction process. The entire construction project is collected digitally, structured and with history of all actions - which gives an overall result of a better construction project with the use of less money.

Byggeweb Capture

Byggeweb Capture is used for registrations in the project, on location, and is available as an app (Android and iOS) and on the web. Byggeweb Capture is a valuable tool for all participants in a project who do inspections and can document the quality and scope of work performed.

With Byggeweb Capture, you can collect everything offline in one application - photos, locations in a drawing, comments, dialogue and other information. With these functions, Byggeweb Capture replaces paper forms, cameras and manual drawings.

Satisfied customers

Bane NOR
JM Norge
Oslo kommune - Bymiljøetaten
Akershus Fylkeskommune
Statens Vegvesen
Nordland Fylkeskommune
J.B. Ugland Entreprenør AS
UiO: Universitetet i Oslo
Backe Gruppen